28 days
So la, after a super canoe course in Sault Brenaz I headed to Wallis in Switzerland to do a river survey for the Kanton, Richi and I spent an enjoyable few days being offical experts.
An intro to whitewater canoeing course for KanuschuleVersam on the Vorderrhein was next up on the program. 3 days of really nice work, introducing enthusiastic paddlers to moving water is a very rewarding way to spend my time.
6days off, the only thing to do with a 6day holiday in the middle of April is to load up the wagon and race down to Corsica. Kayak Session organised a superb week of paddling action and entertainment, I caught up with loads of people I hadn't seen for a while, paddled a load of sweet rivers with great friends and made a possible first descent of the Middle Vecchio in an open canoe.
I want to compete in the Freestyle canoeing world championships in Thun this year, and to do that I need to be a memeber of a National team, next up on the mission list for April was to train for a place in the Swiss team, since I have lived in Switzerland for more than 2years I am officially allowed to surrender my English international status and take up a place on the Swiss team.
The selection event was held at Bremgarten on the river Reuss, made famous in 1866by John "Rob Roy" MacGregor in his book A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. I had so much fun in my freestyle boat, scoring spins, shuvits, cartwheels, roundhouses and back roundhouses.
Through a combination of luck and judgement I scored enough points to qualify for the world champions, and to be crowned Schweizermeister Swiss national champion.
Next up on the list of things to do was attend a breathing apparatus course in Feuerwehr Zentrum Thusis. I joined Atemschutz troop of Versam Valendas volunteer fire brigade this year, the course was very interesting, the highlight was putting out a training fire in the burning house where the temperature reached over 500degreesC! It was very interesting to take part in a cousre for a change, and I learnt a great many interesting things.
Straight off the back of fire brigade it was time for another training course, this time a Rescue 3 SRT 1 course at KanuSchule. I hope to complete my training to become a Rescue 3 Instructor this summer and one of the prerequisits is to revalidate my SRT 1. Rescue training is never a bad thing and I thoroughly enjoyed the 3days of knots and swimming, big up Alex and Kasi for running a superb course.

Live life with style and a smile,