Friday, October 29, 2010

L'Edge tastic baby!

I am the only person in the World with a pink L'Edge
Photo Martin Firniss

Just like every other white water canoeist in the World I have been very excited about paddling this new canoe from Esquif, I finally picked up a demo version at the Kanu Messe in Nürnberg Germany at the beginning of October.

Canadian Trading's workshop

First up I had a test drive to check the boat out and get some ideas about how I wanted it fitted. With a few crazy ideas in my head I headed over to the Canadian Trading workshop to custom fit my new L'Edge with the help of workshop tech Josh.

Clever measuring tools

My L'Edge going on a diet!

First up the decks went, I liked the decks for keeping the water out but thought the boat was ugly and heavy with them so they went, Josh did a great job of turning my idea into reality.

I added sidewalls from thwart to thwart to improve emptying and reduce water space, extended the knee pads and made some hip pads.

An easy way to tune the bulkheads

To tune the bulkhead I glued some sandpaper onto a round thing, in this case an empty gas canister, and sanded the knee holes to a perfect fit. Go slowly and test lots, it is not easy to glue sanded foam back in!

High 5! One badass L'Edge finished and ready for the river

With the outfitting finished there was only one thing to do, cruise to the Swiss Alps and get on the river!

Full speed ahead firing into Schwarzes Loch
Photo Martin Firniss

Photo Martin Firniss

The L'Edge picks up river surfs super easy
Photo Martin Firniss

Surfin' with the crew
Photo Martin Firniss

I like this photo, Kaboom!
Photo Martin Firniss

I have retro fitted rope carrying handles on the thwarts to make the L'Edge easier to lift.

Two final tips, I moved the seat 1.5cm forward from stock(121cm from the back) to better balance the L'Edge for me and I also added rope carrying handles to the thwarts because it is better with them

I hope you all enjoy the L'Edge as much as I am; it is quick for a 280cm canoe, super stable, quick to turn, heavy for 280cm canoe, incredibly dry, mega friendly and I think if I could only have one canoe it would be red, made of PE and called L'Edge!

Paddle safe